3 Bad Habits To Quit For Better Mental Health
We all have regular habits in our lives that can lift us up or put us down. Certain coping strategies, such as practising meditation or exercising to relieve stress, can help you navigate the world around you. But other coping strategies - like substance abuse and eating disorders - may be unhelpful, and these damaging behaviours can contribute to other health consequences or impact on your quality of life. Reinforcing a situation by using a negative coping strategy can also lead a behaviour to become ingrained. For example, if somebody is depressed and they engage in meaningful steps such as therapy, healthy eating, good exercise habits, and keeping their environment clean and stable, they are more likely to achieve a fast recovery. But by neglecting your body's needs, oversleeping or not sleeping enough, neglecting to exercise, or not washing or tidying your surroundings, you are likely to feel worse, and this can cause the cycle of low mood to repeat. Overcoming ingrained...